Why So Explosive?
Waiting For The Bus, Hoping It Won’t Come By Amir Oren Jerusalem is, sadly enough, quite used to terror attacks by Palestinians against uniformed personnel as well as civilian passers-by.…
Waiting For The Bus, Hoping It Won’t Come By Amir Oren Jerusalem is, sadly enough, quite used to terror attacks by Palestinians against uniformed personnel as well as civilian passers-by.…
Jealous, Jittery In Jerusalem By Amir Oren The savant yet sardonic writers at The Economist have a knack for producing news other media must echo. When they publish their annual…
Beyond Bennett-Biden Bond By Amir Oren Biblical Bilhah was one of the Abraham dynasty series of surrogate mothers, bearing two of Jacob’s children instead of his second wife, Rachel. In…
Surprise Sprung Or Support Sought By Amir Oren Over the weekend, three events which took place during the same time frame demonstrated the emerging reality in the Middle East, post-Trump…